Jazz Piano Pure

Presenting Jazz Jenisis For People That Are Serious About

Finding Their Own Instrumental Voice In A Loud World Of Copy, Cut, Paste & Glitch. Not Forgetting Auto Pitch !!

Welcome To Club Class OOH (Outside Office Hours).

These Are Intimate Small Classes Where Intuitive And Supportive Tuition Of Improvisation Takes Place.

Authentic And PURE Sessions…. Learning Jazz Piano Intuitively Live @ The Music Boutique With


To Book Your Spot Fill In The Contact Box Below And Hit That Big

Green Button Now For A Complimentary Discovery Session


The Concept Regarding 'Pure' Is Simply To Encourage You To
Feel Rather Than Just Play Notes That Sound Like They Are Jazz.

The Highlight Of Your Sessions Will Be When You Play Your First Live In Session Concert With Joshua.

This Will Be Filmed
And Put Out On His Channel @ insxght

If You Love, Like And Want To Learn More,

Please Continue Reading...

Historically, The Root of Jazz Is Blues. Emotional And Culturally Evocative. Painfully Beautiful But Essentially Coming From Pure, Unadulterated Authenticity.

From Slavery to Share Cropping.

Call And Response, Work Songs, Chain Gang Chants, Field Hollers, Shout Songs, And Spirituals

Sonny Boy Williamson, Muddy Waters, Eric Dolphy,

Blind Lemon Jefferson,
Blind Willie Johnson, Billie Holiday, Howlin Wolf, Willie Dixon, Bessie Smith, Ethel Waters Just a few of the pioneers who Laid The Foundations For Monk, Billie, Ella, Peterson, Parker, Miles

Many Of The Artists Aforementioned Not Only Lived And Sang About Their Harrowing Experiences At The Time, But Also Died In The Abject Poverty They Had To Endure During Their Often Short Lived Lives.

There Is A Huge Debt owed to the original artistes of many of the blues songs That Led Zepplin, Small Faces, Robert Plant,  

Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page Claimed

The size and scope of the financial and cultural capital appropriation is truly staggering when contemplated.

There Is Much That Has Been Written On These Issues Mentioned Above Available Online and Via Books To Purchase  For Further Reading If Required.

One Of The Very Few
Major Bands On The World Stage At The Time To Truly Acknowledge Where And How Their Fame And Fortune Was Derived Were The Rolling Stones.

Muddy Waters Spoke Very Warmly And Respectfully Of The Stones For Informing Their Fans Of Where The Music They Were So Enthralled With Came From And Who The Actual Original Artists Were

We Wouid Like To Acknowledge All These Original  Great Blues And Jazz Artists The Famous And The Plethora Of Not So And Give Them Their Very Hard Earned Flowers, Albeit Posthumously.

The Forever Golden Legacy of the Music That These incredible Artists Developed Continues After 100 Plus Years

Where We Are Still Reaching And Teaching New Generations

About These Original Artists And Their Greatness

 All There Is Left To Say Is A Heart Felt

Thank You